by Sam Taylor
1 August 2022
S unday 31st July 2022 will go down as one of those "Where were you?" moments. I sat avidly watching the England v Germany Euros 2022 final - I must admit with training and competing in my own sport, supporting football has gone a little of my radar of late - although I'm always keeping up with the results if I'm not watching the games. But as a female, and as a female who faced the "you cant play football because you're a girl brigade" I couldn't not watch this historic event, and yes, even though I'm Welsh, I wanted England to win.... there was no room for the usual England/Welsh banter - this was about bringing what's been: since the early 1900's a largely male dominated sport to the masses....this was showing that women can actually pay football, and play it well, they can compete on the big stage, they can sell out stadiums, they can compete for the big trophies and titles......gender really, really doesn't matter! I hope that Womens football gained new fans last night, I hope it changed perceptions about female football, and I hope its gone someway to change perceptions about female sport in general...particularly male dominated sports, and I hope it inspired thousands of women and girls to go kick that football today, go join that team....and go dream big! I hope more than anything it showed everyone - critics, fans, the FA, the Welsh FA, Football associations around the world, TV companies, football clubs, Governments and funders that there is a market for the female side of the game. I hope beyond hope this isn't a flash in the pan that will be forgotten about in a few months......what these women did last night beyond winning a football match built the foundations for a legacy to be built, but they cant do it alone........ So what happens now?.......well of course I hope the women get the recognition they so deserve, the open top bus parade, the sponsorship, the TV deals, the fame, the pay......but what can we do as fans?....well first we have to support it....from grass roots to the top....we have to allow our daughters to play the beautiful game, we must get rid of the gender stereo types that football is only for boys, buy them a football, buy them a football kit, take them over the park to kick about, let them join a team, help and support the team by volunteering, and shops and sport companies , stop selling football boots as "Boys"...I've worn hundreds of pairs of football boots...just because I'm female my feet are no different, boys feet are not special, they do nothing special that mine cant do, or need different boots (Its the small things isn't it?) - this is where it starts, everyone has a dream...inspire that dream!. Schools you must allow girls to play football as the norm, again break down those stereo types that boys play football and girls play netball if you already do this I applaud you....if you better!! As fans we must also support it, elite level support is down to money and revenue and how much of these your sport brings in, few organisations want to run things at a loss, speaking from my own sport many do, but with the hope that the bigger it gets the more it will generate - and we all have a part to play in yes watching the big event on the TV or even attending the historic final to say you were there is great....but we must support it when it isn't on TV with all the glitz and glamour, when its raining and when its in a little local park or small stadium....go buy that ticket, go support because this is what makes the difference. And men...(No not all men, I know, and even some women)...please, please stop with the casual sexism in the name of jokes and really isn't funny, yes it gets you a few laughs on social media,, but in reality its old and boring...we've heard all the "get back in the kitchen" jokes, we're in 2022, we've had female Prime Ministers, chief of the met police, we are CEO's of global companies, we've climbed Everest, flown into space.....don't make me turn this blog into a feminist rant....but guys supporting women's football doesn't diminish your passion for the men's game, and it really doesn't affect your masculinity. What it does is it makes you modern, supportive, intelligent human beings, fathers, husbands, brothers and friends....its called "The Beautiful Game".......not the beautiful men's game... In fact if you research the history of female football you will find it was around even before the first World War, women played internationally. In 1920 it was a match played on Boxing Day at Goodison Park that set a record of 53,000 fans in attendance with 10-15,000 fans turned away due to capacity...a record that wasn't beaten for 92 years, and the match raised the equivalent in todays money of £140,000; however little more than a year later the FA voted to ban Womens football...they didn't however have the power to do so, so instead they ruled that women's games were banned from FA affiliated football grounds....a ban that lasted 51 guys the Womens game is older that you, it might even be that your grandmother and great grandmothers played, its older than your jokes and your banter....please do better!! Finally no legacy is built overnight, it takes years of blood, sweat, tears, hard work, frustration and dedication....every single woman and girl I have kicked a ball with, every coach, every volunteer, every one who has ever been involved in Womens and girls football has played a part in what happened last night...and you are to be applauded, it wasn't in vain....lets now get behind these women and girls and lets grow this legacy further...and never let what happened in the 1920's ever happen again!