It was a Friday , it was hammering down with rain...and I hate umbrellas.....but more so I hate a flat Mohican
So off we raced after dropping Ollie to school to Cardiff West Community High School.
We had been asked by Soraya Kelly if we would support her as part of her The Gloves Are On charity by going into the school to talk about us our past and our achievements.
What an honour, now I've stood in front of hundreds of people in my work delivering training, with no issue, didn't think about it....when you delivering training on policy, process and legislation there's not much room for error....after 20 odd years in Housing and support i can reel it off parrot fashion........talking to an assembly of year 7's now that's nerve wracking.
I haven't been in school since I left, and the feeling of "being in school" doesn't go away no matter your age and as I walked the corridors there were my bully's and there were there words in my never goes away!
I'll be honest I winged what I was going to say a little, being careful to tone the content and the delivery so not to trigger trauma, I wanted to get a feel for the room and the class first, I spoke about bullying, peer pressure, not conforming and achieving the amazing things you set out to and not letting anyone tell you no, or you cant do something.
I think it went well, they appeared receptive, and the teachers complimented both Sue and I after on our delivery and the message - lets hope this is the first of many times we are asked to do this