The Subject of women lifting weights has never been more prevalent, more and more women are finally finding the confidence to step into the weights areas of gyms that for decades they've been told to avoid. Because they'll "look like men", "they shouldn't be too bulky", "those weights are for the men" - Social media has played a part too, we now see more Female Bodybuilders, Powerlifters and Strongwomen who have Cleary said "sod you" to the myths and the naysayers and took that step towards the dumbbells - Kudos to you all!!
Now let me stop a minute...I know when you look at me, and most of my friends, yes we are bulky, yes we have muscles etc....and this is where I insert my disclaimer....
we train to look like this!!.....We train at a certain level, in a certain way to look like's the important bit "Its a choice"
I promise you, you will not add kilos of muscle mass over night by picking up those weights - Of course if you do want to, it is possible
So that's the myths out of the what are the benefits?........ well there are so many, where do I start?
Simply put lifting weights is excellent for your overall health....don't get me wrong there are people who swear by cardiovascular (Cardio) alone. The people you see on the treadmills, cross trainers, bikes etc I'm not here to diss those people, of course cardio is great for your health, but add in a strength/resistance/weight training and your in a win win situation - some gyms now offer classes that incorporate circuits of cardio/Weight training which is great and a step in the right direction.
But what about simply lifting weights? we no particular order
Weight/Strength/Resistance training (which all mean the same thing, and for this blog I'll call it weight training) signal your muscles to adapt to the resistance of the weights your lifting, therefore simply put, you develop more lean muscle mass i.e. your muscles grow and you get stronger....but hang on Sam you said I wouldn't get big an muscly...that's right, I did!! ..... because all this depends on your style of training...people who train to "get big" train specifically for hypertrophy (To grow the tissue) men for example (remember the You'll look like a man if you lift weights myth) produce the male hormone Testosterone which is why they can get as big and bulky as they do, and whilst women produce a very small quantity of testosterone - we will not get to the size of men because we don't produce enough testosterone. Most women I've trained or spoken to simply want "to tone".......ladies toning simply means your muscles is growing and you are burning the fat around the muscle which makes them look "toned"
Weight training protects your bone health, it supports bone density, therefore lowering your risk of developing osteoporosis. Common in older women, osteoporosis occurs when the bone becomes weak and porous and more prone to breaking. The female hormone oestrogen lowers during the menopause which leads to Higher risks of developing osteoporosis, so taking up a weight lifting routine is perfect. There are now more and more older women taking up weight lifting...and even going on to compete in powerlifting competitions well into their 70s, 80s, and even 90s
Along with bone health, weight lifting can make you joints and connective tissue around joints stronger. Many of the movements associated with weight lifting mimics everyday movement patterns. Compound lifts (lifts that work your whole body - Such as squats and deadlifts) strengthen every joint including knees, hips, wrists, ankles, elbows. The strengthening of connective tissue around the joints such as the tendons acts as reinforcement for the joints....and ladies Strengthening your glutes (Arse muscles, which is one of the most underutilised muscle groups in the body, because we spend so much time sat on them) can eliminate or alleviate lower back and knee pain.
Here's a biggie for most - Weight lifting supports weight loss and weight management. To put it simply ladies lifting weights burns calories more effectively. Weight lifting actually has an higher EPOC (Excess Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption) which means you will continue to burn calories for longer after an intense weight lifting session than you will after you've stepped off the treadmill* - Known as the "after burn"
*Cardiovascular training is just as important for health, I am not disputing the benefits of cardio training, merely pointing out the benefits of weight training.
Weight training can also lower your risk of disease - Improved cardiovascular health - And yes you can work your cardiovascular system by lifting weights which Actually lowers LDL (low-density lipoprotein) or often referred to as "Bad Cholesterol" and makes up most of your body's cholesterol. High levels of LDL cholesterol raises your risk for heart disease and stroke. Weight training in a certain range can in fact increase your levels of HDL (High-density lipoprotein) cholesterol and is known as the "good" cholesterol because it helps remove other forms of cholesterol from your bloodstream. Weight training can also lower your blood pressure and in fact lessen your risk of developing diabetes as it improves the way in which your body processes sugar.
My Favourite now.... I know my health is improving, my bone, muscles, joints, tendons, heart are much healthier and stronger from my weightlifting...but I cant see any of that, even though I know it happening ....for me as most of you will know its the mental health benefits, the releasing of endorphins, helping with depression and anxiety, boosting your mood and energy levels, relieving stress. The feeling of strength, empowerment, self belief, self esteem to me are paramount... to me there is no drug like it and its just as addictive as most.
Of course I'm a long way into my weightlifting journey, and I have taken it to the extreme, No one is expecting you to do the same. And for some the very thought of entering a gym is daunting, never mind the weights section. Ladies take small steps, book a few sessions with a personal trainer or a coach, take a friend, go to a group class, watch you tube videos and give things a see all those people....none of them knew what they doing when they stepped foot in a gym...don't be afraid of day I dared to step foot in a I'm one of the strongest women in the world